In the waning days of another year it’s natural to reflect on a year gone by. What were the highlights and lowlights? Where could I have adjusted my actions to better align with my desired goals? Were there times where I could have stepped up to take advantage of higher quality opportunities? Read more →
Can you develop an appreciation for office politics? Most people I speak with may not think so until I share a glass half-full view instead of an empty glass perspective. Of course, much depends on whether you take steps to learn from different environments and the people dynamics that come with your experience. Read more →
We've decided to so something a bit different this year in celebration of my book's publication by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in September 2011 (how fast these seven years have passed!). I'm offering readers a complimentary subscription to our Seeding Change membership site. Please use CODE IIRW2018 at checkout to receive one month free access to our interactive courses. Sign-ups are good through 12/30/18. This would be a great opportunity to work through our current online courses in preparation for our upcoming training in early 2019 AI in the Workplace. Read more →
As my team begins development on our training series AI in the Workplace℠ available to Seeding Change members in early 2019, I thought this would be a good time to write a post about not overlooking the basics. Focusing entirely on developing technical skill sets for 2030 and beyond may actually put you at risk of bypassing the transferable skills that will successfully lead you into the future. Read more →
Employers, business leaders, and career professionals can expect considerable workplace disruption in the coming decade. What we do today to manage change associated with this technological transformation will impact the lives we live in 2030 and beyond. Read more →
Learning how to successfully pivot begins with knowing what could get in your way. Think of pivot points as the bridge between your Plan A and your Plan B. By placing pivot points where you anticipate hiccups along the way, you prepare yourself and your team for potential risks and possible setbacks. But not all pivots are to avoid risk--unexpected opportunities can surface as well, and if you've prepared your mind to take them in you'll be ready to make the most of a shift in direction. This infographic will help serve as a reminder for ten drivers of change that can present risks or opportunities for you. Read more →
Business leaders might have it tough today, but it’s about to get a whole lot tougher. Except this time there won’t be any faking it until you make it. Leadership will truly come into its own in the next few years and it won’t be for the faint of heart. We’re leading up to a technological inflection point that increasingly includes AI as part of any digital transformation. In less than a decade the skills required to effectively keep the “wheels on the bus” rolling for organizations will look very different. The workplace itself will look and feel different. Read more →
I've received a number of requests for a "cheat sheet" on how to prepare for change. I've pulled together a video (14:20) for you on pre-activities to consider when preparing for change. Below is the 8-day checklist that I use. Read more →
What does automation angst look like in 2018? It might look different for everyone. Contributing to the general sense of angst is that no one knows for certain how innovative breakthroughs and transformative technologies will play out for society, industries, and institutions in the next decade (let alone the next 20 or 30 years). Read more →
MIT's EmTech NEXT 2018 conference attracted an interesting mix of attendees prepared to learn about how AI and robotics are changing the future of work and asking--Are You Ready? From technologists, educators, and start-up teams to students, analysts, industry and government leaders, people came seeking answers, insights, and tips for ways to navigate and manage the disruption that advanced technologies will bring. Read more →